Friday, February 22, 2019

EP 51 - The Journey So Far

In This Episode: 
I will be taking you on the journey of the Excuse My African podcast so far. I launched this podcast in 2017 and in just 2 years we  have so much to celebrate and be thankful for. 

This episode is also very special because it’s not just audio but video as well. Check out our Youtube channel or Instagram TV to watch it. 

Other voices featured in this episode:
1. Kelela Blake | 2. Michelle Barnes | 3. Ruméh Ejoor | 4. Yoonhee Baik

Mentioned In This Episode:
1. EMA Youtube:  
2. EMA Blog Post:  
3. Code 55 Store: 
4. Isabel:  
5. Ruméh:  
6. Stella Damasus Arts Foundation:  
7. Delta Pikin: 

Stella Damasus Blog:
Stella Damasus Website : 

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